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Hey there!

Are you a psychology student looking for internship opportunities?

Are you facing difficulties in finding the right kind of internships for you?

Are you looking for internships where you have enough learning opportunities in this field?

Are you looking for internships where you get some practical exposure in the field of psychology?

Are you willing to work under the guidance of professionals in this field?

If the answer to most/all of the questions above is ‘yes’ then this reading article might be very useful for you.

Being a psychology student and currently doing this internship, I have a few points to share about this internship which is helping me learn new skills and brush my skills especially in the field of psychology.

Talking about the psychology internship at healing dove:

About Healing Dove Foundation- a brief intro

The Healing Dove Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, founded by a dedicated team of young professionals. It is working towards rehabilitating the most marginalised youth groups in Mumbai. It works with delinquents, specially-abled youth, and the LGBTQI+ community.

Psychology internship at Healing Dove Foundation and why I find it useful:

Healing Dove Foundation(HDF) is training their psychology interns to conduct training programmes for the youth. It was an intensive training programme where psychology interns were trained by the professionals in this field. It was a learning opportunity as I got the opportunity to get trained with other professionals in this field and the entire training programme was very interactive(+1 for that!). We as interns learnt how to conduct talk it out sessions, support groups, workshops. We were also trained to conduct surveys and write blogs. We were also taught brand-building and its importance due to change in market scenarios due to pandemic. We were also taught how we can help somebody in emotional distress. The entire training period was a great experience in terms of learning. I personally loved it because we were trained by/with the experienced professionals in this field. It was an interactive session where I asked a lot of questions and gained clarity on a lot of things. The professionals who were learning with us in the training, also came up with different perspectives, experience and ideas and I learnt from them as well. It was a great experience to work/connect with so many people with similar backgrounds! It was a privilege with learn from our trainers and co-workers. It also helped me improving my communication skills as we had to interact with each other and face the camera pretty often. So yeah! It has been a great learning journey so far.

Now, we will be conducting training programmes for the youth that will revolve around expressing emotions, self-expression, recognizing people going through emotional disturbances and supporting them, creating a safe place for them to spill out their minds. Now we’ll be provided with the opportunity to practice what we’ve learnt so far in the training. I would love to have practical exposures and experiences as it is very important in the field of psychology.

If you’ve read the article so far: thank you for being with me till here. I would definitely recommend this internship to you as I’ve clearly benefited through this! It aligns well with what I was looking for in terms of learning.

Go for it guys! Happy Learning!! ☺