Project Dash makes a dream job not just a dream

Did you know about Healing Dove Foundation’s Project Dash? Healing Dove Foundation reinforces with passion as it steers marginalized communities down the right path towards economic and psychological reformation and rehabilitation. Not only does HDF flourish with mental health aid, capacity building programs, career-advancing endeavors and other training initiatives to the youth such as activist organizations, but the revitalizing Project Dash is stronger than ever!

Project Dash (Developing A Skill Hub), the skill enhancement and personal level youth training initiative, prepares the young and underprivileged for the hostile business world. This project offers direct beneficiaries and NGOs the life skills and individual evolution a chance to stand on the common grounds for their exciting employment futures. It uses programs designed to fit every child’s needs, constant diagnosing of issues, measuring the student’s caliber and interests, and modules such as Time Management, Leadership Skills, Team Building, Email Etiquette, Resume/CV Building, Effective PPT Making, Video Editing, Planning and Preparation Skills, Business Communication and more so that every learner can conquer the corporate

realm. When someone says learning, you most likely associate this with formal education, but learning is actually a perpetual lifelong journey that everybody takes in the course of their life.

What else could you need to be job-ready and sure of success? Soft skills, life skills and training of career oriented skills are an essential aspect covered by the mentors who are recruited and professionally trained by HDF to usher the children to see the light. With Project Dash, disadvantaged groups apply their learnings, and find an increased openness and understanding to their surroundings so that they can adapt and equip themselves with the tools to achieve their own maximum potential and productivity. The standard of life depends on everything you do, especially how prepared you are for the unpredictable future. That is why Project Dash is plays a crucial role to all the young minds.

The counseling sessions of HDF are the highlight of the entire adventure. From Identifying the right NGOs and beneficiaries for adolescents to Strategizing Skills with targeted training modules to fit the interests, strengths and weaknesses of the kid, HDF takes care of it all. HDF’s practitioners institute the perfect training sessions then creating a detailed report on the sessions and boosting them, as well as a plan outlining assistance in forthcoming sessions, so that the child is flourishing with confidence and certainty.

Children benefit from effective authoritative leadership, discovering their own higher potential, team working abilities, better adjustability to changes in environment, and improved retention. When pinned in stressful situations, the kids unlock critical thinking skills, would be able to conduct meaningful research, have highly-developed observation and problem-solving skills, etc. Children can rely on their soft skills to stand out when appealing to careers in AI and technology that have taken over the world and replaced many jobs with automation. Here at HDF, the dream job no longer remains just a dream!

Project Dash has its own perks for everyone, including the trainers, who gets practical experience working with clients, consulting opportunities with a variety of new people, and most importantly, the self-uplifting ability to influence a change in someone’s life towards the better by helping them reach up and touch the goals with their fingertips!

To join this jubilating journey in enlightening the next generation of our world for the ups and downs of life and careers, you can graciously opt to train for 6-8 months, become an NGO partner for 15-22 year olds, or be an inspiring and approachable guru to the underprivileged youth! Contact HDF through socials for the chance to make a difference for the future of our world.

Everyone behind and with Project Dash strives to be at their best as empathy and true hard work shine through the surface. Take a step and be part of exactly what the world and all its marginalized groups needs to taste the stars!

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