Preparation for Future Challenges in this Competitive World

When most people think of challenges, they think of hardships and drawbacks, conflicts of unawareness that are impossible to get over! But this is pessimistic and actually can be overcomed. Healing Dove Foundation is optimistic and avoids these situations from the start by addressing actual day-to-day issues that the underprivileged students could actually face in the future, and answering baffled children’s questions in real-time.

HDF gives advice and life lessons to their students

The counselors of HDF teach important lessons to the lesser children. Just in the last week itself, the kids were told to always have a plan B in life, not only in their career but also as individuals to maintain tranquility and remain calm. This optimistic message prepares the students to avoid situations like panic, depression or disturbance.

Another insight was shared when the counselors and children discussed their pastimes and hobbies. The counselors encouraged the kids to continue with their passions, such as poetry and writing stories, despite how distressful the situation may become, as this boosts mental and emotional strength which is an essential key to coping with the challenges and being smarter than any future potential competition in the world.

Additionally, the counselors of HDF always use easy-to-communicate language (children’s native language such as Hindi or English) and maintain a comfortable approachable environment which makes their advice so understandable and effective to the children.

Activities that help stay ahead of the game

Quite often, past the introductory sessions, the aptitude tests of reasoning (numerical, special, abstract, mechanical, mathematical and verbal reasoning), test the children’s logical skills and give them a challenge like one they may face in the real world too. This makes the children more prepared than they otherwise would be compared to future rivalry they may come across in the future in their jobs and careers.

Putting children in situations where they would have to think and tinker their way out will certainly prepare them for this, especially aptitude tests suited to the child. Moreover, the Healing Dove Foundation ensures that underprivileged children are brought to the level of common ground where all children of all castes, religions and sexes have an equal chance to a future.

HDF provides everything to prepare for challenges

From giving career guidance to learning assistance and mentoring, the counselors of HDF push the kids towards the pathway to success from the beginning of the sessions itself. The counselors at HDF provide all the necessary information needed for the future, such as career paths, internships, institutes, courses available, funding, financial security, job aspects and chances of entrepreneurship to avoid any hindrances in the future.

In this way, children will not be unaware or misinformed about their career or subject of interest when it comes to taking crucial decisions. This boosts underprivileged children’s confidence as well as reduces the risk of failure against hardships.

The constant effort and striving to a brighter future

Everyone everywhere wants to be better than the rest, because that makes you special and gives you better chances of being chosen for job prospects. HDF gives the aid and assistance by guiding and giving that little ‘push’ to the underprivileged children, to give them a chance to at least be eligible for this opportunity.

It’s not just the effort but also the enthusiasm and encouragement that makes them ready for the outside world. The incentive to work, to provide, to compete, to excel and to shine bright in any situation is the cheer that we find at HDF’s sessions as they prepare the children for the best of chances.

Overall, the Healing Dove Foundation, with all its projects, initiatives and awards, successfully shapes the young minds in the right direction for their future prospects and careers. With skillful advice and enlightening sessions, HDF prepares the underprivileged children to be resilient to any dilemma and difficulty their way, against all future challenges in this competitive world. This is the future generation we are talking about after all!

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